Friday, October 28, 2016

The End of an 8 week, 6000 mile Motorcycle Adventure.

Dear Family & Friends,

This report will be short and sweet... Our adventure is over! We are back in London safe and sound and very tired....
It was a long day riding from Bruges, Belgium to London including some extremely dense fog, a ferry crossing the English channel, and a couple of navigational mistakes on my part that caused us to once again ride across London on surface streets. (Something we both promised we would never do again after the last time we did it three years ago!)
8 weeks and 6000 miles on a motorcycle in all sorts of weather is tiring. It has been a great experience and I enjoyed sharing it with Kim and Duane.
Our motorcycles were picked up by the shippers today and are on their way back to California. Sunday Duane heads to the airport to fly home Monday.
Sunday night my lovely wife arrives in London for a fun week together and then we are home on the 7th of November, Just in time to miss all the election noise.
I think I may write on more introspective blog when I have time to digest the entire experience but for now that all folks!
As a bonus my riding partner Kim made this great video of the first part of our trip. Very professionally done with good editing and music! Check it out:
Motorcycling in Spain!
Sailing the English Channel with my motorcycle below..

Arriving at my friends house in North London, safe, sound, and exhausted!

My trusty stead is already on its way to the shippers for the return trip. In sourly need of a good cleaning and a full service.. Maybe even some new tires..

Bye bye

Our last night on the road in Bruges, Belgium..

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