Dear Friends and Family,
It's time for the Annual MS Walk to raise funds for research and services for people with MS. You have received these emails from me year after year and have been very generous in the past. I'm asking you again, as tax time looms and we all think about tax deductions for next year, to consider making a 100% fully tax deductible donation to the National MS Society. You know why I ask - its very close to my heart, and I truly appreciate anything and everything you give. There is SO much progress being made - we've gone from injectable medications with difficult side effects, to monthly infusions, and now, to several oral medications, which make life much easier to manage. There is hope for a cure in the future. Please help us find that cure!!
Bonnie and I are unable to participate in the walk this year. Please donate to this Team - Team Love, and to Marisa Looney, who is a friend of our daughter Jessica's, and has walked in honor of Hannah for the past 8 years, and for 7 other friends and acquaintances who deal with MS on a daily basis. Click the link below and please make a donation. ANY amount helps.
Thanks for your continued support
