Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 3 of The 202 Motorcycle Tour..

Dear Family & Friends,

Today was a no drama day with easy riding and spectacular views everywhere! We left Cortez and rode an easy hour to Durango, Co. For anyone that has never been to Colorado this town is certainly one of the first stops. A very quaint old town beautifully restored and mainly catering to tourist and outdoorsmen. One of the features of the town is a genuine turn of the century steam locomotive that runs from Durango to Silverton up in the Rockies. The train was just leaving when we got there. So we walked around town for a while site seeing and taking photos and then we got on our motorcycles and rode up to Silverton hoping to beat the train there and get photos of it in town.
The ride through the Colorado Rockies is about some of the best motorcycle roads in the world. The road we took is called The Million Dollar Highway because of the cost to built it through such difficult terrain. (or maybe the value of the views?) Today it would be the Billion Dollar highway…
It was a great ride and we got to Silverton just in time to see the train arrive and take photos. Again some more site seeing and then off to Ouray, another old mining town. 
Ouray was very quaint and picturesque. We were hoping to stay there but the area was completely booked up. So many tourists and hundreds of motorcyclists doing the same thing we are doing.
Luckily I got my trusty IPAD out and went on line and booked us rooms in Montrose. 
We arrived in Montrose at a reasonable hour and had some time to get rested and cleaned up a bit.
Tonight we went out to diner and tried and figure out where to go to next… I guess we haven’t planned to far into this trip… Brian bought us all dinner for the time we took looking for his lost keys... It is nice to travel with a real gentleman....
Today is really best told in photos so look below.


Welcome to Durango, Colorado...

A very picturesque town.

The local railway station.. very romantic

This looked like a fun spot.... Make your own wine!

I HATE Starbucks.!! You can't go anywhere in the world without seeing their logo. :(

My trustee steed.. A great motorcycle that I have had so much fun with.

The local Crepe vendor, reminds me of Hempstead, England..

These were two local Biker Babes..... I think Babe might be a generous term.. They both look like they could take me.

Lord Lieb.

Everyone needs a bag to carry their BS in...

And the small print says "What's happening to the English Language"

A Tribute to Jack Dempsey the fighter..

WHAT A DEAL!! Free smells!!!

This is hunting country..

Great mountain passes to ride on.

Everyone is a photographer!

Looking down on Silverton as we approached in on a mountain pass.

Welcome to Silverton.

Had a nice lunch here.

I guess these make sense of you can't ride a motorcycle anymore?? :(

Love Steam Locomotives! I even studied steam power at college...

He was telling me they have to make about 70% of the parts they need to keep this train running.

I am proud to be a Jew, we excel at whatever field we go into... ;)

Welcome to Ouray.

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